Saturday, August 11, 2012

Meryl and I find Jesus in scotland, A dorky skinny man riverdances in a pub and we drink whisky in Glen Ord...

Hey everyone
It has been a fun last few days.  Meryl and I took the train to Inverness, Scotland in the Highlands.  Our B&B was located on the river Ness which flows from Loch Ness.  The river was beautiful and many old Scottish fishermen were about fishing for Salmon with fly rods.  A closer look showed that the fly rods were over 15 feet long and the could easily cast the entire width of the river.  Meryl and I were able to rent a flyrod and buy a few flies for a small fortune.  We were able to make a few fish rise, but meryl as usual brought home the prize fish!
We took a local bus to the Glen Ord Distillery and sampled the 12 year old Singleton Scotch.  The tour was awesome.  I was able to stick my head into a big fermenting vat and smell the rumbling malted barley.  The yeast shot up my nose and i felt like i was hit by an olympic boxer ( if you have never had a nose ful of active yeast i highly reccommend it...similar to a nostril full of wasabi but with a citrus-like freshness) Kablam!  We tasted the whisky and i remembered that meryl has a not-so-fond-of/ extreme indifference to the stuff.  A local whisky bar recommend i 'start her on MacCallen 10 year old'!
We sipped cask ale and Guinness at a local music club and enjoyed some local culture.  This skinny fellow danced his heart out.
WE FOUND JESUS...He was at a golf course! We passed a church on the walk to the distillery with this poster...
Now we are leaving Scotland for London to watch Sam's race (on sunday).  We have a cowbell, a Montana Flag and we've been resting our voices so we can yell at peak decibel levels!
GO SAM!!!!


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Hey All!
Meryl and I have had a whirlwind of Scotland so far.  This is just a quick post to inform our loyal readers that we will be posting some sweet pictures soon and a more detailed update.  On Wednesday we flew from Missoula to Minneapolis to London.  Took the tube from the airport to the train station and hopped on a train to Edinbourgh Scotland. There are multiple festivals going on here in Edinbourgh and the city is hopping.  We ate some tasty Nepalese/indian food and then had Scotch and Guiness at a bar and walked around the cobbled streets lined by old architecture and castles. 
In a few hours we will be taking the train to the Scottish highlands near the river Ness for two days.
more to come,
