Sunday, January 24, 2010

Nazca Lines

Meryl and i leave Nazca today. We arrived yesterday morning at 5am after the 14 hour bus ride. I stayed awak during much of the bus ride listening to another passenger vomit in the tiny metal toilet near our seats. The ride was very jerky, and it rained much of the drive. I felt a little uneasy as the driver of our double decker bus seemed to drift around the wet mountain corners.
We took a 35 minute flight over the Nazca Lines in a Cessna 206. The pale sweaty woman in front of us vomited in her little puke bag and i watched the pilot roll his eyes as he handed her a napkin to wipe her mouth. haha. The Nazca lines were amazing. These are lines that were carved into the desert earth by a pre-Incan culture. They can only be seen by the air, so some people belive ET's or UFO's created the lines. (see "Cheriots of the Gods" out of print though) My favorite was the huming bird and the autronaut. After the flight Meryl and I ate a huge meal at a local favorite restaurant called Paulita's for only $2 each. We hung out in the plaza and 'people watched' as music was played for a 'End Polio' festival. Meryl and i bought hard boiled quail eggs from a kid with a small cart. They were very delicious and very small. In Huaraz, we saw kids selling these eggs and on the bottom of the cart were the quails that laid the eggs! We lounged at a fancy pool for 4 hours and swam and ate sandwiches. meryl fell asleep and sun burned her armpits (yes her armpits haha). The pool seemed like some cuban resort with white adobe walls. We drank cervesas on the terrace rooft nice top of our hostel and layed in hammocks...Damn life is hard when school is finito and the 'real world' hits you! Today we leave for Lima, stay for a day and tomorrow we depart for Argentina!


  1. Yo,
    What happened to the car at the top of the blog?
    Happy Adventuring!

  2. can you believe, that is the vehicle that began the wonderful adventures of Forrest and meryl go southie!

  3. That car is the aftermath of one of our first dates... we took our dogs hiking, the roads were bad and on the way home, we slid off the side of the road and rolled down a hill. the picture was taken the next day in the junk yard.
