Monday, March 14, 2011

Drowning in Hofn...

Well...its raining...its raining very hard...and its windy...and we can't see a damn thing.
But here is the good news: We arrived in Hofn (pronounced 'hup' like an unexpected hiccup). Hofn is the lobster capital of Iceland so although our small, plain hostel room cost about $100 USD for the night, tonight we will be splashing out and eating Lobster!
Other good news: we went into the liquor store and the same bottle of gin that we purchased in the duty free shop for $17 was $70 USD in the we took the liberty of buying a lime. Currently we are staying dry in our Hostel room while 'wetting our wistle's' with gin & soda's!
Normally from town and throughout our drive today, we would have been able to see beautiful glaciers, green cliffs and mountain peaks....we mostly saw rain. haha
However! On the Chilean coast we saw South America's largest Glacier and today we viewed Europe's largest glacier, Vatnajokull!
An example of how windy today was is thus: we stopped to take a photo of a waterfall, the wind blew the water fall back up and over the cliff preventing the water from actually falling to the ground. We also witnessed a seagull who found it quite difficult to fly forward...diligent though he was, no matter how hard he flapped, he only made negative progress...

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