Thursday, February 25, 2010

" I got the South American Porcelain Blues" many of you guessed, it was only a matter of time before meryl or myself would be praying to the porcelain gods of "Southie".
Puerto Varas is an awesome place to visit. However my innards have spent more time perculating and bubbling inside the bathroom walls of Casa Margouya hostel than i would prefer. The sun is shining and the sandy beach becons...but still the churnning produces sounds that would deafen the stethascoped ear...
We have help
We have help
We have Pepto help
We have immodium...we'll see...
Meryl finally had to explain to the cute gals working at the hostel that "no, the door is not accidentally locked. And, yes, my boyfriend is not feeling well...And no,it is not necessary to open the locked door with the key to make sure..."
Tomorrow we depart to take a 4 day, 3 night ferry from Puerto Montt to Puerto Natales. I hope they do not charge $ for bathrooms use like in Santiago or Peru because i would be in debt up to my eyeballs.


  1. OOOOOh Forrest! I feel so bad for you guys! I guess the giant first-aid grocery bag was unnecessary after all. I hope your bodies adjust soon and you can both enjoy the beautiful weather!

    Will you mail me a postcard? I have a few friends around the globe right now and I wan them all to send me a postcard so I can hang it on my fridge and stare at it with envy every time I look at it.
    1225 W. Prospect Apt W98
    Fort Collins CO 80526

    If you can't do it, no worries just something i thought of!
    Hope you are having a blast!

  2. FROM MERYL"S MOM Morning Feb 27 after Chile major Earthquake
    FYI to all of Meryl's and Forrest's concerned friend and Family.
    We just received a OK spot message ( one-way GPS device)
    indicating that they are OK.
    They are on The Nav-Ferry going from Puerto Zaras to Puerto Natales

    Here is the Link to their current location,-73.66286&ie=UTF8&om=1&ll=-45.27615,-73.66286&spn=1.293013,2.59552&t=h&z=9

  3. We heard from Forrest and Meryl,
    They are on a "ferry" off the southern coast.
    Their SPOT GPS sent us a messege that they are OK.
    Will let you know when we hear more.

  4. Today was a difficult day for all who care about Meryl & For.
    Getting the call that the earthquake had happened, and not having any idea where or what condition your kids are in....a numb...disconnected, empty, sickness in your soul. AFter recieving the OK spot message....I was so appreciative for our technology, I still felt sick but relieved. Love for Meryl and Forrest as you continue your adventure! MinMt
