Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The weels go turning... round and round

Hello Chile!

So far Chile is Awesome! After 2 days of traveling and 2 interesting and unrestfull bus rides we have arrived in Puerto Varas. Apparently is has been raining here for the past 5 months and the bad weather has only recently let up (about 10 days ago) but you would never know that because right now there isnt a clound in the sky and its about 85deg, and this town is amazing!

We crossed the Chilean-Argintine boarder 2 nights ago at 5am, after waiting for 4 and a half hours in line (rediculous)at customs. We got to Santiago arround 8 am, I had a hard time waking up to get off the bus. We had the day to spend in Santiago because our next bus to Puerto Varas didn't leave until 9pm. We navigated the Metro to find a future hostel that we will be staying at, so that we could drop off some of our climbing lugage that we will not be needing further south. When we emerged from the Saint Isabel metro station, we realized our directions werent very good, but we were quickly assisted by a very nice man wearing stilts (haha). He wound up sending us in the wrong direction, but he was very nice in his attempt to get us going. After our luggage drop we ate breakfast wandered through some parks and ventured to the Santigo Zoo. We saw hippos and tigers, lots of exotic birds, a baddger and some friendly goats. Afterward we found agreat place for lunch, where Forrest insatiable hunger, had us ordering plate after plate of amazing food for hours. We decided to go for the cheap seats on the bus to Puerto Varas because we are splurging on our ferry boat trip... this turned out to be a bad idea. We had lots of screaming babies on our bus (the ride was 12 hours long) and we were on the top floor (most of the busses here are doubble decker) in the back. About 2 hours into it, they shut all of the curtins on the bus so people could sleep, but with the lack of viewing of what was moving past me, I got horribly motion sick and wound up throwing up all night.

All is good now, however. We had an amazing breakfast this morning and just spent the afternoon on the beach overlooking the Osorno Volcaino, swimming and lounging in the sun... We are happy to be in the and of Lakes and Vocainos!

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