Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Quick Update

Presently I am on Easter Island (aka Rapa Nui or Isla de Pascua)! The internet here is really slow... i think it is a dialup connection... But I thought I should give everyone a brief update.

Forrest headed back home to the states on the 17th :( and I flew to E. Island, thanks to some very nice frequent flyer miles. I am spending about 10 days on the Island, which is almost 2x as many days as most. It is absolutly amazing here!!!!!
I took about 500 pictures in 2 days, thats more photos than I took in the first 2 months. The island is also really expensive, a beach towel cost 40-60 dollars! yikes!
So far I have toured the island, visited both parks, spent a day on a pink sand beach, I went fishing (not what I was expecting, it invoved a net and a snorkel instead of a pole), I went snorkeling, I learned how to make ceviche, I have eaten so many different kinds of fish that I have lost count, I have seen 20+ sea turtles and much more.
The internet is too slow to uplead photos, but I will pst many when I return to ¨the mainland¨!


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