Saturday, March 13, 2010

Southern Patagonia... Torres del Paine

We had AMAZING weather in Torres del Paine. We had 4 days of sunshine and no wind.. well until the last day when it got quite windy. The park was amazing, we only had 5 days so we did the most "classic trek" (aka the most popular) the W. It was one of my favortite parts of our trip, the national park is amazing. Forrest and I were joking most of the time that this is the land where faries and dragons come from. The forests are bizare and consantly changing, their are glaciers everywhere and the geology is absoulty spectacular! The highlights of the park for us, were the Gray Glacier and Valley Frances, both are stunning and we saw them on gorgeously sunny days. Our final day was the only slight let down. We got up at 5 am to hike to the view point of the towers so you can watch the sunrise turn them red. It was too cloudy to see the sun that morninng so they stayed gray- oh well. It also got quite windy that afternoon, so we did experience a bit of the Patagonian wind that everyone always talks about. After our trek, we had a nice dinner in Puerto Natales with some great people that we met on our trek and on the Navimag. Early the next morning we hopped on a long bus to head further south to Usuhaia... which is where we are now "el fin del mundo" as they like to say here.

Animals sighted:
Huanacos- lots and los
A Condor
The Bizzare Patagonian Ostrich- lots
Lots of other interesting birds


  1. Yay! Updates! And photos! Hope you guys are having an awesome rest of your trip. It is too bad the scenery sucks though. Miss you both.

  2. you guys should send that pic of your tent to "the north face" perfect billboard material.
